Quantum Computing!!!!!!

Shivani Goel
1 min readJan 30, 2022

QC means computing using quantum i.e. cubits. Classical computer operates on bits, while quantum computer operates on cubits. The purpose is to improve the computations than classical computers. Now the question arises, for all problems? Answer is No. few problems involving computations like integer factorization used in cryptography.

Study of QC is a subfield of quantum information science. Some main turning points in quantum computer history are:

First quantum mechanical model of Turing machine was proposed by Paul Benioff, a physicist, in 1980.

First 2-qubit quantum computer was created by Mark Kubinec, Isaac Chuang and Neil Gershenfield in 1998.

First commercial quantum computer is designed by IBM in 2019.

Quantum computer needs a quantum algorithm (QA) for execution. First QA was developed by Peter Shor in 1994 for factoring integers. It was used successfully in decrypting RSA-encrypted communications. It is popularly known as Shor’s algorithm.

I will keep posting more information on QC as I discover on my way to quantum journey!

